Reichen-Hof, Berlin Kreuzberg

Wir freuen uns sehr, ein Konzert von 2Mädchen und Uwe in unserem Hinterhofgarten ankündigen zu können: eine exquisite deutschsprachige Band aus Berlin. Rock, Pop und Blues über Liebe, Lust und andere menschliche Schwächen. Ein Schlagzeuger, ein Bassist und eine Frontfrau spielen eigene und fremde Songs mit viel Sportsgeist. Sie sind:
Gesang/Gitarre: Maja Borm
Bass: Ingo Hanelt
Schlagzeug: Uwe Bengsch

Wir freuen uns auch auf die Pause, in der 4 unterschiedliche Aktivistinnen-Gäste die Bühne kurz betreten werden, um euch mit einigen Denkanstößen zu unterhalten. Wir sind:

Rita Ferreira -
"Die Kunst in Portugal/A Arte em Portugal"

StarLynn Jacobs -
"Eine Umweltwahrheit/ An Environmental Truth"
(Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika/ENG)

Sonia Ruiz Bastida -
"5. September: Tag der indigenen Frau/
5 de Septiembre: Día de La Mujer Indígena"

Saskia Pasmann -
"Kinderbildung und COVID-19: die aktuelle Situation in Berlin"
We are very pleased to announce a concert by 2Mädchen and Uwe in our backyard garden: an exquisite German-language band from Berlin. Rock, pop and blues about love, lust and other human weaknesses. A drummer, a bassist and a front woman play their own and others' songs with a lot of sportsmanship. They are:
Vocals/Guitar: Maja Borm
Bass: Igo Hanelt
Drums: Uwe Bengsch
We are also excited about the break, in which 4 different activists-guests are going to briefly take the stage to entertain you with some food for thoughts. We are:
Rita Ferreira - " The Art in Portugal/A Arte em Portugal" (Portugal/PT)
After a brief reflection in English on the experience of 13 years of emigration in Berlin from an artist's point of view, Rita Ferreira reads in Portuguese the answers collected over the last few weeks from a questionnaire drawn up by our collective among diverse members of her communities in Portugal and abroad. The questions were: What is your opinion about the state of the arts in Portugal? And about the status of the artist? What could be better?
It is concluded that these answers could have been given as reasons for leaving the country at any time, even more so during the financial crisis of the Troika/PSD government years, as much as during the present desperation of the Portuguese artistic class in the course of the pandemic we are still facing.
StarLynn Jacobs - "An Environmental Truth" (United States of America/ENG)
Taking inspiration from Ash Sanders' essay, "Under the Weather", in the collection, All We Can Save: Truth, Courage and Solutions for the Climate Crisis (Edited by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Kathrine K. Wilkinson), StarLynn Jacobs addresses the grief that is often experienced by those invested in the climate justice movement. There is a call to acknowledge and allow this grief to be felt. Looking to find new ways to talk about intense feelings and the experience of living through unprecedented climate challenges, she pulls from Sanders' essay and her experience with the Bureau of Linguistic Reality. The Bureau works to create a dictionary for the Anthropocene to describe such things as the deja vous feeling invoked by the onslaught of continual "record breaking" years for various climate catastrophes. With this, the current record breaking year for murdered environmental defenders is acknowledged (227 in 2020 according to Global Witness), and the murdered environmental defender and indigenous leader, Berta Caceres, is specifically acknowledged and remembered for her fearless work. Looking for new words, we also look to create new realities and imagined futures.
Sonia Ruiz Bastida - "5th of September: Day of the Indigenous Woman/5 de Septiembre: Día de La Mujer Indígena" (Spain/ESP)
Text by Mariana Gómez, anthropologist, researcher and teacher (Conicet-Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina). For many years one of her lines of research has been on historical, cultural and identity issues of indigenous women in Argentina (Qom and Mapuche). In her text she provides background information about this celebration and the situation of indigenous women in Argentina nowadays. Text read in Spanish by Sonia Ruiz Bastida.
For further information you may contact the author via
Saskia Pasmann - "Children's Education and COVID-19: the present situation in Berlin/Kinderbildung und COVID-19: die aktuelle Situation in Berlin" (Germany/DE) CANCELLED DUE TO SICKNESS!
"Wie Weit" by 2Mädchen und Uwe

We collectively thank all wonderful guests, friends and supporters
who made this unforgettable event possible. Till next time!